At Lac Hong University

A talk to a successful alumna Pham Thi Duong

We made a date with Pham Thi Duong – an alumna of class 00HC1 - Faculty of Food and Chemical Technology - Lac Hong University in an afternoon of late July. Because of a prior engagement, she spared us a free talk in spite of her busy schedules. Welcoming us at the guest room, the girl, holding the position of Chemical Manager of Dona Victor Footwear Co., Ltd, made us so impressed by her modesty and friendliness.

Telling about her family and career, Duong’s voice was always optimistic. Born and grew up in a poor farming family in Hai Duong province, she soon felt her parents’ hardship and difficulties. Therefore, she always tried her best to study well. Over four years studying at Lac Hong University, she had made every effort to have the best result. Talking about her study at school, she said her top priority was to study well to be able to find a good job after graduation. Her thought sounded simple, but to do that, she had to strive a lot since she lived far away from her family. She also added wherever we study, we have to be aware of studying hard.

As a naturally gentle and faint-hearted girl, therefore the newly graduated student was shocked at working under high pressure for a foreign company. However, with studying passion and hard-working quality, she quickly overcame difficulties and soon adapted herself to the work speed. She realized that such passion and determination were not enough to be able to get a position in the company. Then she decided to improve her foreign language, widened knowledge, focused on researching foreign documents and learned from others. Finally, she was trusted and appointed as Chemical Manager of Dona Victor Footwear Co., Ltd.

Young as she is, she now is holding an important position in a foreign company. This can be said this is a great success. Knowing our intention to make a yearbook about successful alumni of Lac Hong University, Duong was modest to say she has done nothing yet and many of her friends are more successful. With Duong’s personalities, we believe she will gain more achievements in her life and career. Wishing that she will be more and more successful in her forthcoming plans.

By Thu Hien - Translated by Maria

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